

  • Energy of an electron in a Hydrogen like atom
    E = -$latex \frac{2\pi^2me^4Z^2}{n^2h^2}$
  • Wavelength of an electron – From DeBroglie’s Equation
    $latex \lambda =\frac{h}{mv}$ or $latex \lambda =\frac{h}{p}$ where p is the momentum of the particle
  • Concentration of a solution C expressed in molarity can be calculated using the formula $latex C=\frac{n}{V}$
  • The number of moles in a given quantity expressed in grams can be calculated using the following formula $latex n=\frac{m}{Mm}$ Where ‘m’ is the mass of the substance in grams and Mm is the molar mass of the substance in grams/mole

Equations used in the different topics for highs school students


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